An Overview of the Relationship Between Chemistry and the Environment

On one level, these terms are really meaningless. After all, chemicals can be found everywhere, in just about everything. From the air we breathe to the creams we apply to our skin, it is all just chemicals. But in the last few decades, these chemicals have proven their usefulness in treating a host of different ailments.

It is important to recognize the difference between naturally-occurring chemicals and synthetic chemicals. Naturally-occurring chemicals exist in the earth’s crust in minute quantities. While these elements are vital for the maintenance of plant and animal life, they are not toxic to humans and do not pose serious threats to their health. Synthetic chemicals, on the other hand, are created by man-made factories and are commonly used in a wide range of products from pesticides to lubricants.

Though vitamins C and B complex are naturally present in food, a synthetic substance such as Ethylenediamine (EDTA) is used extensively in laboratories and even in medicine to produce substances that mimic these naturally occurring substances. Ascorbic acid (Ascorbic Acid) is one of these chemicals, and is used commonly in laboratories for the purpose of producing higher potency vitamin C. This synthetic substance is also useful in creating colorimetric tests, which measure the purity and color of a substance without affecting its physical properties. When properly manufactured, this substance produces a stable emulsion with lipids and fats, and it is therefore used in the production of carbonated drinks and chewing gum.

Several other common chemicals are carbohydrates, which are sugars arranged in a regular linear structure and used as sources of energy. Polysaccharides are large molecules made up of repeating sequences of sugar molecules, where each molecule is exactly the same size and shape as the last one in the sequence. Oxidation reactions in chemical reactions produce oxygen, which is one of the most important components of life. The reaction of chemicals with oxygen produces water, carbon dioxide and nitrogen that are important for our existence.

There are many different kinds of chemicals. Some of them are soluble, meaning they can be dissolved in a liquid or in an air stream; conversely some substances are insoluble, meaning they can not be dissolved in any liquid or in an air stream. Solvents, often used to dissolve toxic gases, are made from various combination of carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen. The only substances that cannot be dissolved in a liquid are metals such as iron, titanium, and mercury.

There is a wide range of new chemicals on the market every year. In order to avoid having to test or handle dangerous chemicals you should learn about some of the hazards of handling them. If you have children, you should have an emergency plan for handling chemicals with them. It is also important that you understand the chemistry of some common household products and how they can be mixed with cleaners and other substances. The most dangerous household chemicals include those used in laundry and food preparation, personal care products and paint products.

There are many options when it comes to creating a chemical-free environment. A good place to start is understanding which chemicals your everyday items contain. Many vegetables and fruits, as well as the majority of meat products, contain elements which can enter into the water system and cause contamination in lakes and rivers. When shopping for vegetables and fruits, look for those that are organic and that do not have chemicals and additives added.

Another good place to look for pure substance containing chemicals is in pharmaceuticals. There are certain drugs and prescription medications that have been found in groundwater samples across the country. In many instances, the presence of these particular chemicals was not discovered until after a certain number of years had passed since the medication was manufactured. Unfortunately, we do not know how many people may have been exposed to these harmful chemicals through the use of these drugs, and therefore it is important that further testing be conducted in order to determine just how prevalent these drugs are among patients taking them.

Other chemicals in pharmaceuticals are organics, including vitamins, sugars, and proteins. In every living cell in our body, we find a combination of these types of molecules. They make up everything around us and they are even responsible for how our bodies function.

A good way to think about the relationship between nature and chemistry is to think about the earth’s environment. Everything on the earth is made up of natural chemicals and compounds. Plants use these chemicals and compounds as a food source and as well as protection from climate change. These same chemicals and compounds are used by animals and insects to live and survive. So it would stand to reason that there must be a link between the chemistry and the environment as well.

City Chemical LLC produces chemicals that are purchased for industrial use such as Nickel Monoxide (1313-99-1)Primuline (8064-60-6)Quininic Acid (86-68-0)Silicon Tetraiodide (13465-84-4)Silver Nitrate (7761-88-8)Tantalum Ethoxide (6074-84-6)Tetraethylgermanium (597-63-7)Tetraethylsilane (631-36-7)Triethylsilane (617-86-7)Zinc Chromate (13530-65-9)Zinc Silcofluoride (16871-71-9)1,4-Naphthoquinone (130-15-4)2,5-Dimethylindole (1196-79-8)4-Chloro-2-nitrophenol (89-64-5)Antimony Trioxide (1309-64-4)Barium Manganate (7787-35-1)Benzyltrichlorosilane (770-10-5)Dibutyltin Sulfide (4253-22-9)Diphenic Acid (482-05-3). To learn more about chemicals visit